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Regular Price: $750

Your Special Ticket $147

Only 40 0 Tickets Left

20% of proceeds are being donated to K’eh Native Action group, raising funds for water, firewood, and food relief to Native American Communities. Because this is a fundraiser, there are no refunds.

Feeling the Birthing Pangs of a New Era? We are being led home to our inner spirit. We are each being called forth. But no one can do your personal work for you.

We have been riding some very challenging and turbulent waves here in Humanity. Life has been asking a lot of us over the last 3 years or so. 

The rate of change and transition seems to have accelerated, with one growth opportunity after another, calling us into deeper spiritual practice.

I don’t know of anyone who has escaped this time of great change. It has affected everyone. We are starting to see that we can not think our way out of, or power our way through the profound initiation we are each in here on this planet. 

We are being led home to our inner spirit. 

We are being initiated into a REBIRTH. We must learn to live a new way of life, drawing on the strength and knowledge of our soul, and of Mamma Gaia. As we return to the natural cycles of death and rebirth, we are reborn.  

During this rebirth we are learning to live a new way of life – one filled with light, love, and constant connection to Spirit. We are each learning to alchemize and transmute the patterns of disharmony that have been created in the collective on this planet. 

We are each being called forth. But no one can do your personal work for you. 

The practice of shamanism was gifted to humanity over 100,000 years ago. And now we need these transformative universal and ancient healing practices more than ever. 

Shamanism is a way of life…

“For the past 25 years, it has been my honor to
support the revival of earth-based-healing traditions
and guide people home to the RE-membrance
of the Sacred Healing Ways. May we all walk in beauty.”

~ Rose Cole, Pioneer in Universal Shamanism

In this 2-Day Virtual Immersion you will fill up your cup, experience a rebirth and awaken to new depths of your shamanic birthright.

What is universal shamanism really about?

At its essence, shamanism is about bringing light to the darkness. It reconnects you back to your true nature, the natural world, and the Source of all creation to truly RE-source.

True quantum healing and transformation can occur through the shamanic path.

The Shamanic Rebirth 2 Day Immersion is being brought to you by The Sacred Oak Academy. What we teach is Universal Shamanism, through the lineage of Guided Energy Medicine.

We believe Universal Shamanism is not something to be studied in a book or grasped through the mind. It can only be co-created and experienced through direct revelation.

And yes—that’s something you can do. We all have shamanic gifts and abilities, and we all have shamanism in our ancestral lineages.

This is your own opportunity to step out of the everyday routine of the maya illusion, and into the realm of the Great Mystery and miracles. 

We will be co-creating a space together that will help you unwind old programming, reattach your umbilical cord to Source, AWAKEN your shamanic abilities, and hear the voice of your ancestors and Great Spirit.

Much more than a buzz-word, the grounded truth that all shamanic lineages share is that they:

Know how to work with the quantum field – They can access the infinite field of possibility for quantum growth, transformation, and alchemy. True miracles can occur.

Know how to speak to Spiritthey know how to have a two-way conversation with energies from the otherside of the veil.

Know how to work with energy they understand how to work with the subtle energies of the Universe, to remove energy that’s no longer wanted and call in the energy that is desired. We know that all dis-ease is first created on the energetic levels.

This is exactly the work that you will get to learn about and experience firsthand at this 2-day immersive experience.

Do you feel the sacred call to expand your knowledge and abilities in these areas?

Come Fill Up your Cup and Be Guided Home to Sacred Ways of Healing

If you are already walking the sacred path and wish to learn how to create a shamanic field, be guided through shamanic healing practices and replenish your spirit in sacred ceremony then this might be the next initiation your being has been asking for. 

The era we are living through is a significant rite of passage for Mama Gaia, mirrored in our individual initiations that can feel never-ending. We are planting the seeds for a new Earth and new reality, which can be an exhausting task given the state of the collective. 

Coming together, and re-membering the ancient healing ways is more important than ever.

Over the course of the weekend, we humbly invite you to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth that we trust will restore and enliven you for the journey ahead.

Attend This Powerful Healing Ceremony From Home

Every year we offer this immersive experience, it’s a little different, but one of the highlights people look forward to every year is the miraculous energy of our sacred, ceremonial circle. 

This rebirth experience is just as powerful virtually, as we are co-creating a shamanic field of healing and transformation.

We hear over and over again from people about just how incredible sitting in the sacred ceremony portion of this immersion is,and being able to experience soul-level healing and transformational wisdom.

Imagine being able to actually feel and see shamanic healing energy and learn how to create your own shamanic field for healing… without ever leaving your own home.

What People are Saying…

Join hundreds of kindred souls who have experienced rebirth at our past Immersion gatherings. We’ve consistently seen…

People leave feeling nourished, inspired, upleveled, and empowered in their shamanic path.

People who come with depression and anxiety, report feeling present, peaceful, connected to Source and fully grounded in knowing their sacred purpose.

A deeper understanding of your own personal shamanic gifts and abilities.

Will you continue to do your part in the great planetary rebirth of humanity by awakening your own medicine gifts -returning to the sacred, ancient ways of healing once more?

Regular Price: $750

Your Special Ticket $147

Only 40 0 Tickets Left

20% of proceeds are being donated to K’eh Native Action group, raising funds for water, firewood, and food relief to Native American Communities. Because this is a fundraiser, there are no refunds.

You are welcome to email info@rosecole.com with any questions you may have.

After you register, you’ll receive a personal call from our team to ensure you have everything you need to attend. This is a loving check-in to assure you are well prepared for our gathering.

Meet Your Guide…

I guess you could say I’ve lived an interesting life. 🙂

At age 5, while other kids were bringing a doll or toy for show-and-tell day at school, I gave my first talk about life after death, the astral world, and Spirit Guide communication to my kindergarten class. I could describe my past lives in vivid detail, speak with ancestors who’d passed on, and recite languages I had no experience with in this lifetime. 

But then my whole life changed…

Both of my parents developed mental illness and drug addictions, and there was a lot of severe abuse, trauma, and neglect that developed in my household. My life felt like a perpetual shifting of sand beneath my feet. I learned to shut down my senses and seeing out of self preservation. Eventually Child Protective Services stepped in and I was placed in the first care system and became a ward of the state. 

But the abuse had already taken its toll. I was in a constant state of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), and almost always on the verge of a panic attack. My childhood felt like a never ending living hell.

After several years, I was adopted and raised by my aunt and an indigenous medicine man, Alber Bianez – also known as “Bitterroot”.  Through the shamanic path I began to heal myself quantumly. I reclaimed my shamanic seeing, and re-membered my sacred purpose on this planet – to assist others in learning the medicines of the unseen world, quantum healing tools, and the RE-membrance of the old, sacred ways. 

I’ve made it my mission to support the movement and revival of earth-based-healing traditions, through activism, fundraising, and my school, The Sacred Oak Academy – Guided Energy Medicine Certification.

I’m also an ordained minister, medicine carrier, and president of the 501c3 non-profit, BeautyWay In Unity. It has been my joy and honor to facilitate people on this path for over 25 years.

Alongside my faculty, I train spiritual leaders, conscious business owners, healthcare workers, and change-makers from all over the world.

I’ve been featured in spaces like Forbes.com, E! and MSNBC, assisting others in the RE-membrance of how to bring the sacred into everyday life. I’ve authored multiple books, and take great joy in speaking on stages around the world aside such world visionaries as Depak Chopra and Marianne Williamson.

It is my greatest joy and honor to help you step into the most embodied, sacred version of you – a person living their Divine mission in real time, so we may birth the New Earth together. 

I look forward to meeting you in our Rebirth Immersion virtual gathering. 🙂

In Love & Service,

Modern Medicine Woman, Founder & Head Faculty
The Sacred Oak Academy – Guided Energy Medicine Lineage

What People are Saying…

Who is this 2-Day Shamanic Rebirth Immersion for?

This virtual, live immersion is for spiritual seekers, wayshowers, conscious business owners, healthcare workers, change-makers, emerging healers, and anyone ready to not only deepen their shamanic path and abilities but also replenish their spirit. 

Think of it as a gathering of change-makers who are ready to support the unprecedented awakening that is happening today, guided by a team of global leaders in Universal Shamanism. The energy shifts that happen here are nothing short of miraculous.


Saturday, September 9
9 am – 12 pm Pacific
1:30 pm – 5 pm Pacific Time


Sunday, September 10
9 am – 12 pm Pacific
1:30 pm – 5 pm Pacific Time

Regular Price: $750

Your Special Ticket: $147

Only 40 0 Spots Available

20% of proceeds are being donated to K’eh Native Action group, raising funds for clean water, firewood, and food relief for Native American Communities. Because this is a fundraiser, there are no refunds.

You are also welcome to email info@rosecole.com with any questions you may have.


What is the live call schedule like?

Saturday, Sep 9 
9 am – 12 pm Pacific
1:30 pm – 5 pm Pacific Time

Sunday, Sep 10 
9 am – 12 pm Pacific
1:30 pm – 5 pm Pacific Time

Are there cancellations or refunds?

You’re welcome to cancel at any time, however, because this event is partially a fundraiser, there are no refunds for this immersion. Please let us know as soon as possible if you’re unable to attend, as there is limited space available.

What time does the Immersion start each day?

We begin at 9 a.m. Pacific time 12 p.m. Eastern Time, on both days of the Immersion.

Will there be recordings if I can’t attend live?

Yes, it will be recorded, and the recording will be available for 5 days after the event. Although we deeply encourage you to consecrate time and devote your weekend to this process to get the most out of this life-changing experience. Gifting yourself ample time and space for integration will support the changes to take root in a deeper way.

Do I need to be a healer or have shamanic experience to attend?

No, you don’t need to identify as a healer or have any previous experience with shamanism to attend. Your open heart and willingness to be curious is all that is required.

Regular Price: $750

Your Special Ticket $147

Only 40 0 Tickets Left

20% of proceeds are being donated to K’eh Native Action group, raising funds for water, firewood, and food relief to Native American Communities. Because this is a fundraiser, there are no refunds.

“After working with Rose, I feel more aligned with myself and with my truth. I perceive a deep, all-residing peace with what is, and as if I can relax and surrender into the flow of life, without pushing or forcing anything to happen. I am more focused on my daily practices and my connection to God.”

~ Rose Dayal