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Inviting Inspired Healers to Join Our Heart-Centered Worldwide Come-UNITY of Certified Shamanic Practitioners

Explore Your True Potential, Expand Your Intuitive Gifts, and Share Your Light with the World.

Develop Your Intuitive and Shamanic Abilities. Let’s Uplift Humanity Together.

You Are Sitting on Sacred Superpowers That Could Uplevel Your Business While Helping You Serve Clients at Deeper, More Profound Levels.

You are a wayshower, a wisdom keeper and a truth teller. 

You walk The Path. 

Sometimes, you challenge those around you for the better, helping them rise out of outmoded ways of being into new, healing thoughts and practices. 

You feel like a warrior, but sometimes wonder why more people can’t see The Way. 

While others proclaim that five-dimensional reality is a fantasy, you know it’s real and live it daily. 

But the fragmentation of society tugs at you—we’ve wandered so far from our roots. 

You look at your friends, family and peers while suppressing an ache to bring them back to what matters. 

No matter how hard you try, the modern world is seductive. Peeling those you love away from its spellbinding power can feel like trying to rebuild Eden alone. 

You need a tribe that is rooted in the 30,000-year-old traditions of our indigenous ancestors… 

That brings you home while helping you rise in community. 

Inside The Shamanic Academy, this is what we create.

Does this sound like you?

  • You are not like others you know. Your spiritual gifts have been awakened, and you walk a unique path that sets you apart from the crowd. While you have community, sometimes you wonder where you truly belong. 
  • You do sacred work in this world, and feel fulfilled by it… but feel there is more you can do to serve and help others. 
  • Lately, you’re going through a rebirth. You find yourself questioning where you’re headed and striving to align your path with your highest spiritual calling. 
  • Sometimes, you have intuitions or “hits” about others that you can’t explain. You know things without any logical cause or reason.
  • You feel connected to the other side of life through dreams, intuition, synchronicities, or out-of-body experiences.
  • Since you were young, you’ve seen or understood things that shock other people—and you can’t explain how.
  • You have a deep, unshakeable knowing that you’re here on Earth for a sacred purpose.
  • You’re sensitive to other people’s energy and sometimes hear, feel, or see messages intended just for them.
  • Energy isn’t “woo-woo” for you. It’s real, and you have direct experience of it regularly.
  • You’re tired of shutting down or hiding your gifts in order to fit into the world and wish you had a safe place to explore them.
  • You dream of finding a place where you can be yourself, inhabit your gifts, and use them to better the life of others.

“The lack and fear is gone. I’m now living from a place of curiosity and wonder. I trust myself.”


If You Resonate with the Above Statements, Chances Are… You’re Ready to Walk the Shamanic Path.

Our modern world is currently experiencing a shift in values.

In the past, our society worshiped at the altar of consumption, treating the planet like a resource-machine.

Lately, many of your friends, family, and community are beginning to think differently.

We’ve discovered that nature, our relationships, and our heart-felt gifts and purpose are what matter most.

You may feel that your work isn’t enough, and you need a new paradigm of service that is rooted in the traditional ways so that you can truly make a difference.

This feeling is calling you deeper into your sacred purpose! You are here to fulfill an important mission on Earth that is uniquely yours.

This is what we’re here to help you do.

About Our Founder

At age five, our founder Rose Cole gave her first talk about life after death, the astral world, and Spirit Guide communication to her Kindergarten class.

She could describe her past lives in vivid detail, see and speak with ancestors who’d passed on, and recite languages she had no experience with in this lifetime.

Then, after mounting pressure to “fit in” from the outside world, and a searing trauma, she shut down her gifts.

Not long after, she was placed in foster care and—in a miraculous turn of events—was adopted by an Indigenous medicine man.

After years of Rose healing herself quantumly and reclaiming her Shamanic gifts, she was finally walking her path.

Now, after twenty-five years of practice using her gifts as a Shamanic facilitator and educator, she’s here—with the help of our amazing team of collaborators—to help you step into and use your own gifts as a Shamanic healer.

Your Shamanic Gifts Are a Bridge to Bring the Planet—and the Ones You Love—Back in Balance.

The word “Shaman” is a Siberian word that means “one who sees in the dark,” or “Spiritual Healer.”

At its essence, Shamanism is about bringing light to the darkness.

It reconnects you back to your true nature, the natural world, and the Source of all Creation to truly RE-source, or reconnect you with Source

When you reconnect with Source, together with others, you create a movement—a rising tide of light, swirling through the cosmos, lifting us all into a higher vibration.

This is the path of a Shamanic healer… and it’s what we lead you through in The Shamanic Academy.

Do you feel called to become part of our come-UNITY of Sacred Healers and Guides?

Discover How to Live Aligned with Your Gifts, and Help Initiate Others into Remarkable Realms of Healing and Wisdom.

To be clear, at The Shamanic Academy, we are not learning to become Shamans. The word “Shaman” has become a metonym for all spiritual religious leaders and healers within indigenous cultures.

We come in great reverence here to all indigenous Shamanic lineages.

What we teach here at The Shamanic Academy is Universal Shamanism, through a lineage called Guided Energy Medicine™.

We believe universal shamanism is not something to be studied and grasped through the mind.

Instead, we co-create and experience it through direct revelation. And yes—that’s something you can do. We all have shamanic gifts and abilities, and we all have shamanism in our ancestral lineages.

This path is open to those from all religious, genders, backgrounds and walks of life, if you come with sincerity in your heart.

Use Your Natural Gifts to Build a Thriving Business as an In-Demand, Certified Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner.

If the shamanic path has been calling to you…

If you feel the ache of unlived potential…

If you dream of lovingly co-creating a world where we all rise to a higher vibration…

And, if you want the tools, systems, support and community you need to get there…

The Shamanic Academy is Your Answer.


This is a year-long international program, complete with live and virtual teachings, including two live intensives. (Or can you opt to attend the intensives virtually through livestream.)

The Academy is an unparalleled school of the Shamanic arts. 

It’s also more than that—a sacred container meant to hold space for you to deepen into your Shamanic practice, step into your healer-ship, and develop your hidden God-given intuitive and shamanic abilities.

If you complete the course requirements, you’ll become certified as a “Level 1 Guided Energy Medicine™ Practitioner and Spiritual Guide.” 

We’ve had people from all backgrounds join us for this in-depth shamanic training.

Doctors, therapists, life coaches, professors of elite academia, law enforcement, military, and those with top levels of security clearance have all participated in the profound healing teachings we share inside The Academy.

But that’s not all! We’ve even had very experienced medicine men and women and shamanic practitioners who’ve led ceremonies and done shamanic healing for decades. 

These individuals have said that the work we teach was immensely valuable—their words!—to their path, a “missing piece” in their vast puzzle of knowledge that brought their other studies and trainings into a cohesive union.

Amazing transformations and breakthroughs like this are what happens when you are part of the lineage we share inside The Shamanic Academy.

What we share is deep, authentic and far-reaching.

Here’s What Past Students Have to Say About Their Experience Inside The Shamanic Academy…

I feel more aligned with myself and with my truth.

– Rose Dayal

I went from $250K in the red, to $600K in the black in 1 year.

– Robin Osborn

The lack and fear is gone. I trust myself.

– Kim Lottes

My relationship was saved! I’m so grateful.

– Tracey Ng

Worth every penny I invested and MORE.

– Pamela Raptis

Rose’s guidance was nothing short of a gift of life!

– David Comfort

Find Belonging and Spiritual Come-UNITY at The Shamanic Academy, Where We Celebrate Your Gifts and Nurture Your Soul Mission.

Here, love is our religion, nature is our church, and we’re creating a powerful movement to heal the world and illuminate a better path for our human brothers and sisters.

This is a School for the Soul.

Discover how to begin using your natural-born talents with these four Shamanic pathways.

Become Skilled in Shamanic Tools to Live Your Sacred Purpose.

The Shamanic Academy is a year-long, international certification training featuring in-person and virtual teachings, two weekend intensives, a thorough and comprehensive Shamanic curriculum, and a Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner certification.

Gateway 1

Here, we enter the South, grounded to Earth.

The principles of success in spiritual leadership. Discover proven methods to heal yourself from the inside out, so you’re equipped and empowered to step forward as the shamanic healer and guide that you came here this lifetime to be.

Uncover which challenges and trials you scripted for yourself this lifetime, and the pathway to convert those challenges into your biggest gifts and service to the world.

The 9 Shamanic abilities. What they are and how to activate them within your being and develop your intuitive and psychic abilities, so you can open as a Divine Channel.

Daily meditation and centering practices that empower you to start each day anew from a place of deep love, joy, and grounding.

Divine Communication™… Learn how to hear and communicate with your spirit guides (an ability many people have lost), so you can access your innate wisdom and use your divine help to share your gifts with the world.

Gateway 2

Here, we enter the West, flowing through Water. During this stage, we cover:

How to clear energy, for yourself and your space, so you can live from an empowered and grounded place, and hear the voice of the Divine.

Navigating the spirit world and learning discernment in the shamanic work you do. We help you understand how the Astral works, so you can practice shamanism safely, and without living in fear of the spirit world.

How to access the “Shamanic-state” and therefore the quantum field of possibilities to reprogram your subconscious, and receive guidance from your spirit guides to gain guidance and direction for yourself and those you work with.

How to develop and practice mediumship, so you can become a channel and conduit for Divine energy to run through; download new light codes to activate our healing work, and to illuminate humanity to bring in a new era.

Creating a Nature Quest. We show you how to invite nature to teach you. Nature is the motherboard and access point of all shamanic work. In this section, we show you how to prepare for a Nature Quest—either at an in-person intensive, or wherever you are in the world, so that you can experience inviting nature as your teacher to receive sacred esoteric wisdom from Mother Gaia.

Gateway 3

Here, we enter the North, moving with the Air. During this stage, we cover:

How to perform “Guided Energy Medicine™,” a profound yet gentle type of shamanic energy healing that works on the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic bodies. It can help with stress and anxiety and remove decades of emotional trauma. Some clients even have spiritual awakenings and gain guidance and direction about their purpose and life path. THIS is where you, as a lightworker, have the opportunity to help others heal!

A powerful method for creating an altar that transmutes energy within a space, so you can create and program what our founder has coined as “the shamanic-field.”

Explore mysticism and gain access to Sacred esoteric wisdom…

How to come into “Right Way” with nature, and all of creation – the foundation of all shamanic work. Here, you discover how to commune deeply with mother Earth and all of life through a way of being we call Walking in Beauty.

Gateway 4

Here, we enter the East to explore Fire. During this stage, we cover:

Working with Sacred Fire. Grandfather fire waits, as the potential that allows us to transform one element into another, cleansing and composting what no longer serves us into pure source energy.

How to create and hold sacred space for others, so those with whom you work feel held and supported in their unfolding, and you can feel confident leading private sessions and performing shamanic healings. How to allow spirit to work through you so that others feel supported in their unfolding. We also share the three brain states, and show you how to assist others in coming out of trigger and upset and back into their “executive brain state” and their higher self.

The ancient art of smudging and other shamanic tools. Begin to master the art of smudging to clear and activate sacred space and gain confidence in using other shamanic tools including medicine boxes, guiia protection necklaces, rattles, and feathers during ceremonies and healing sessions.

Core Belief Work™. Learn how to eliminate limiting beliefs from your subconscious mind, energy field, and all other levels of your being, so you can fully embody the spiritual leader and healer you came here to be and contribute to humanity through your sacred purpose.
Building Your Healing Practice. We’ll give you powerful skills to build your healing practice, using Divine Communication™ as your guide. You will unravel your blocks around marketing, sales and running a business, pick your niche, create a statement that represents what you do beautifully, create your program or offer and gain the skills necessary to grow your practice—even from scratch.

Connect with your gifts and express your sacred potential as part of The Shamanic Academy.

This Year-Long Training Equips You with the Skills to Build a Shamanic Healing Practice That’s Rooted in Purpose, and is Integrated Into Your Existing Work.

Over the course of this year, we’ll help you make shamanic principles a core part of your life, so that you always feel guided, supported and connected to the Divine. 

As a result, you’ll begin making powerful shifts, faster than you may believe possible.

Then, we’ll help you create a Shamanic Healing Practice that you can integrate with your existing work, or offer newly online or in-person from anywhere in the world.

So, How Do We Do This Divine Work that Helps You Activate Your Purpose, Live Connected to Spirit and Create Miracles in the Process?

First, you should know that immersing yourself in The Shamanic Academy is nothing short of magical.

While on one hand, you receive the education of our ancestors and the future, on the other hand, we’ll create a sacred container for you that feels like being held—cradled in love and trust, and connected to the Divine.

This is your connection back to Source.

Also, know that while the work we do is deeply spiritual, its results show up in very powerful, tangible ways.

Simply by signing up, the elements of your life will begin to fall into place as you RE-member the divine wisdom you brought to this earthly realm.

Prepare to watch your relationships, career, health, and life transform for the better as you align them with your inner compass.

“One of the most life-changing choices I’ve made in years.”

“I went through a rough year, getting divorced after 25 years. WORKING WITH ROSE HAS BEEN ONE OF THE MOST LIFE CHANGING CHOICES I’VE MADE in years. I had a series of breakthroughs with her. Rose’s high level of consciousness, wisdom, and loving attention, helped me receive a deep heart-centered knowing of my path going forward that has changed my life.”

– LAURA BISWAS, Author & Strategic Consultant

Here’s What You Get When You Say “Yes,” Complete the Application Process, and Take a First Powerful Step Toward Living Your Sacred Purpose:

Also, know that while the work we do is deeply spiritual, its results show up in very powerful, tangible ways.

Simply by signing up, the elements of your life will begin to fall into place as you RE-member the divine wisdom you brought to this earthly realm.

Prepare to watch your relationships, career, health, and life transform for the better as you align them with your inner compass.

1 Year of Shamanic Academy Access. This is a powerful, magical vortex like no other. From the moment you say, “Yes,” you’ll be immersed in a community built around this sacred work, lifted up and held by our team and sacred facilitators, and your fellow lightworkers. Be embraced in the arms of come-UNITY.

Shamanic Practitioner Virtual Library & Video Training. Here, you’ll find reference materials, study-at-your-own-pace modules, songs, resources, and videos.

2 Live Training Classes Monthly, via livestream video (and recordings, if you can’t make it live).

2 Weekend In-Person (or Virtual) Intensives. These live experiences are pure bliss! Together, we learn and practice shamanic tools, mediumship, and shamanic energy work. We also co-create a sacred ceremony that is very potent. This is where it all comes together, and some students have called these intensives the highlight of their life. If you can’t attend in-person, this is always offered virtually too!

2 Monthly Shamanic Study Calls. Practice tools and shamanic energy healing, receive support from your fellow students, and develop your psychic abilities with group practices.

2 Private Coaching Sessions with our loving and highly skilled faculty to hold your hand through this process and keep you on track. They’re also here to assist you in uncovering, and resolving, the unconscious beliefs keeping you from fully living your Sacred Purpose.

Bi-Weekly Office Hour Calls with Our Lead Apprentice. A place to bring questions, inquiries and dive deeper into the tools we are learning with our highly skilled apprentice.

“The Astral Script Method:” Learn to Convert your Biggest Challenges into your Biggest Gifts.

Exclusive Access to The Shamanic Academy Community Portal. Access this portal 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Receive support, connect with come-UNITY, and learn from your fellow students.

A Frameable Guided Energy Medicine™ Practitioner and Spirit Guide Certificate that you can print and hang. When you complete the Academy and meet the requirements, you’ll be certified in Guided Energy Medicine™. This not only gives you confidence in the shamanic work you do, but it also increases your credibility with potential clients. Plus, you’ll have a Certified Energy Medicine Logo to add to your marketing, website, or business card!

Featured on our Practitioner Page: Once Certified, you’ll have the opportunity to be featured on our Practitioner Page where people can reach out to book a healing session with you.

You’ll also receive these bonuses:

Divine Communication™ Virtual Half-Day Intensive Training. In our 25 years of training lightworkers and spiritual leaders, we see spirit guide communication as our Number One untapped resource. Each one of us has a Divine Team of spirit guides specifically assigned to us. During this magical experience, you’ll join our team via livestream, and learn how to hone your ability to hear and communicate with your guides. You’ll actually have a two-way conversation with the members of YOUR Divine Team. (a $5,000 Value!)

A Guiia (Spirit Guide) Tribal Protection Necklace. Choosing your guiia is a magical process of being connected with a new spirit guide and ally. You’ll receive your necklace during a special blessing and activation ceremony at one of your intensives. Each necklace is hand beaded by Indigenous tribespeople. We’ll find the perfect unique necklace to be matched with you. You can wear your tribal protection necklace any time, but we wear ours during shamanic work and ceremony.

20% of Academy proceeds go to protect sacred lands and traditions.

Our sacred lands and traditions represent a lineage of earth-keepers, healers, and protectors that stretch back for generations into our pasts. At The Shamanic Academy, we recognize that without these sacred traditions, we would not be able to do the work we do. It is our honor to be able to contribute at least 20% of our Academy proceeds to help maintain these sacred lands and traditions far into the future. As a member of The Academy, you become an integral part of this sacred work.

Your Academy Facilitators…

Rose Cole


Linda Mooney

Counsel Board & Head Coach

Tiffany Smith

Minister & Ceremony Facilitator

Nathan M. McTague

Emotional Support Coach

If You’ve Sought Tools to Find & Live Your Sacred Purpose While Simultaneously Up-Leveling & Evolving Spiritually… The Shamanic Academy is the Safe, Loving Container Your Soul Is Searching For.

You may be wondering about the investment level for this intensive, transformational curriculum and experience. It’s not on the page on purpose.

Because the Shamanic Academy is a sacred temple, we make sure every individual is a good fit—primed to download amazing new possibilities during the heart-centered experience of shamanic initiation.

As we said earlier, not everyone who applies is accepted. Not everyone’s path is to become a Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner. Because of that, we’ve created a careful screening process to ensure we only accept those who are ready to receive this sacred work.

The Shamanic Academy is a five figure investment for lightworkers who are ready to step into their true purpose—no more hiding, while immersing themselves in an education steeped in 30,000 years of indigenous wisdom. We’ve worked hard to put together an education that does justice to the sacred teachings we treasure, and are proud to share it with you.

This is Your Chance to Step Into Your Sacred Purpose, Use Your Gifts and Help Humanity in a Way That Feels Nourishing, Meaningful and Authentic.

Every year, The Shamanic Academy fills up. This isn’t just a school… it’s a movement of lightworkers stepping bravely into the new world we are co-creating.

Submit your written application through the online form​. This helps us discover who you are, what your experience with Shamanism is, and why you believe you’re a match for our beautiful come-UNITY.

Pay a small, totally refundable deposit. This ensures that you’re serious about showing up to your call, and that both your time and our enrollment advisor’s time is honored. Your deposit will be automatically fully refunded right after your call.

Schedule your enrollment consultation.​ You’ll then be automatically redirected to our calendar to book your session with one of our loving enrollment advisors.

Are You Ready to Blissfully Inhabit Your Gifts, Live Your Sacred Purpose as a Wayshower, and Create a Business That’s Aligned with Your Soul?

Explore and unleash your sacred potential in the safe, healing container of The Shamanic Academy.

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to email info@rosecole.com

*Travel, food and accommodations not included at intensives

Here’s What Past Students Have to Say About Their Experience Inside The Shamanic Academy…

I truly believe that my physical life was saved.


I’m now more in the flow of life and aware of the Divine.

– Maria Brannon

This works, and it’s magic when it does.

– Goose Wohlt

A continuous flow of love and support.

– Kilo

I don’t ever have to worry or doubt myself again.

– Kimberly Brooke

I’m healed, and my purpose found me, which is part of the magic!

– Alisan Rowland